viernes, 20 de diciembre de 2013

Picnic ピクニック تنزه

We met our friend Jorge in the park near our house for an evening picnic.  We feasted on sandwiches, salad, peaches, Doritos and wine.  Looking at these pictures makes me feel really nostalgic.  Koichi and I will be leaving Buenos Aires tomorrow, and I'm going to miss the food, the wine, the parks, our neighborhood, our little apartment, the smell of Jacaranda, the summer weather, and most of all, our dear friends.  We will be back, Buenos Aires.  I promise.  

ホルヘという友達と家の近くの公園にピクニックをしに行きました。サンドイッチ、サラダ、桃、チップスとワインを楽しみました。この写真を見ると少し寂しくなります。明日私達はブエノスアイレスを出ます。食べ物、ワイン、公園、近所、アパート、ジャカランダ属の香り、夏の天気、そして、多くの大切な友達をいつも思いだします。帰ってきます、ブエノスアイレス。 約束です。

Fuimos al parque con Jorge, un amigo de ya hace mucho tiempo, para hacer un picnic en el parque cerca de nuestra casa.  Nos llenamos de sandwiches, ensalada, duraznos, Doritos y vinito.  Ahora, mirar estás fotos me hace sentir nostálgia.  Mañana Koichi y yo partimos de Buenos Aires.  Voy a extrañar la comida, el vino, los parques, nuestro barrio, nuestro pequeño departamento, el olor a Jacaranda, la brisa estival, y más que nada, nuestros queridos amigos.  Volveremos, Buenos Aires.  Te lo prometo. 

Santa Clause サンタクロース Papá Noel بابا نويل

Christmas in South America.  It's 90 degrees, but Santa still wears a snow suit!  Many people celebrate the holiday by going to the beach.  I think Santa needs some swimming trunks.


Navidad en América del Sur.  A pesar de que estamos a 32 grados, Papá Noel se viste de ropa de invierno.  Muchísimas personas van a la playa para celebrar la Navidad.  Creo que a Papá Noel le vendría mejor un traje de baño.  

martes, 17 de diciembre de 2013

One Thousand 千 Mil ألف

Whoa!  This blog has been seen 1,000 times!  Thanks to everyone who made that happen!

すごい! このブログは千回見られました!みなさん、ありがとうございます!

¡Increíble!    ¡Este blog tiene mil vistas!  ¡Gracias a todos ustedes!

! قد شوهد هذا البلوق الف مرة! شكرا جزيلا لكلكم 

lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013

Montevideo モンテビデオ مونتيفيديو

We took a short trip to Montevideo, Uruguay, a city with historic buildings, friendly people and beautiful beaches!  I hope the next time we go, we can stay longer.  I think we need at least 2 weeks!


 Hicimos un viaje cortito a Montevideo, una ciudad llena de edificios históricos, gente amable y playas lindísimas.  Espero que la próxima vez podamos quedarnos más tiempo.  Creo que necesitamos por lo menos dos semanas para aprovechar de lo mucho que ofrece esta región!

عملنا رحلة قصيرة الى مونتيفيديو, مدينة اوروغواية مشهورة لالمباني التاريخية, الناس اللطيفون, والشواطئ الجميلة! في المرة التالية التي نذهب الىها, أريد أن ابقى وقت اكثر! أظن ان نحتاج اسبوعين على الاقل

Salvo Palace サルボパレス
Solis Theater ソリス劇場
Pocitos Beach ポシトスビーチ

domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2013

Heat wave 猛暑 Ola de calor موجة حر شديد

Heat wave!  While the rest of the world seems to be covered in snow, it's 93º F (34º C) here in Buenos Aires. 


Una ola de calor agobiante!  Aunque el resto del mundo está cubierto de nieve, estamos a 34 grados acá en Buenos Aires.

موجة حر شديد جدا! على رغم من تقريبا كل العالم تحت الثلج, الدرجة اكثر من ٣٤ في بوينس آيرس

miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2013

Whales クジラ Ballenas حيتان

We took a sunset cruise from Puerto Piramides and got to see about 6 Right Whales:  Three mothers and three babies.  They were very playful and swam right up to the boat.  You can't tell from the pictures, but they are huge!


من بويرتو بيراميديس رحلنا في سفينة عند غروب الشمس وشوفنا  6حيتان صائبة خنوبية: 3 أمهات و3 أطفال. لعبون معنا وسبحون قريب من السفينة. ما تقدر ان تشوف حجمهم في الصور ولكن هم ضخمة جدا

lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2013

Port Piramides ポートピラミッド Puerto Pirámides بويرتو بيراميديس

After a brief layover in Trelew, we took a bus to the tiny town of Puerto Pirámides on Peninsula Valdez, a Unesco World Heritage site known for its abundance of wildlife.  After the cold and wind of El Calafate, we enjoyed the warmth and sunshine of Puerto Pirámides.  On our first morning, Shauna and I took a walk on the beach.  During our walk we saw multiple whales off shore and a penguin swam right by us!  The people in town were so kind and welcoming, I felt like I was vacationing in my home town.


Crab attack! カニアタック!
Low tide 潮干
Sipping mate マテを飲む
Mate マテ

viernes, 6 de diciembre de 2013

On the ranch 牧場で En la estancia في المزرعة

After our boat ride past blue and white icebergs, we arrived at what would be our home for the night:  Estancia Cristina.  It was heaven on earth!  We rode horses across streams, hiked to the Upsala glacier and some of us even enjoyed an Argentine asado.  Shauna and I got very teary when we saw the room that we were assigned.  We were in the house called "Familia" and our room's name was Herbert, which coincidentally is our grandfather's name.


Upsala Glacier ウプサーラ氷河

jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

Icebergs 氷山 Témpanos جبل جليدي

In Calafate, we stayed for one night on a beautiful estancia, or ranch.  In order to get to the estancia, we had to take a boat across Lake Argentina, the largest lake in the country.  On the way, we passed beautiful blue and white icebergs.  It was magical!


The darker the blue, the older the ice! 一番青い氷は一番古いです!
We arrive at the estancia.牧場に着く。

エル・カラファテ El Calafate مدينة الخلافة

First stop: El Calafate!  We spent a few days in this Patagonian town that's almost as far south as one can go.  We stayed in a cute little cabin in the center of town and went to an ice bar where everything- furniture, walls, even the cups-were made of ice!  The weather was a little cold and often very windy.  At the airport on our way to Trelew, the airport employees told Shauna and I to hold on to our glasses as we walked out onto the tarmac to board the plane because the wind was so strong!  Once on board, the wind shook the plane as if we were barreling down the runway when in fact we were at a complete stop!  I was shocked that we took off in such strong winds.  Poor Koichi was not so lucky.  His flight back to Buenos Aires was cancelled, and he ended up having to spend two long and cold nights at the Calafate airport!


アイス*バー Ice Bar